Jun 29, 2021
This is an encore presentation as we take a summer break from recording. We hope you are well and rested!
Yesterday we talked about how we aim our lives. We can aim our life toward God or our flesh. Our flesh is where we put ourselves in control. Later in that same chapter, Romans 8, we learn a bit more about that choice. We live according to our flesh or we are led by it. Our alternative is to be led by the Spirt of God. This is where the name Follower of One came from.
I believe in the Trinity, that God is One, represented in 3 distinct persons, the Father, the Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus left Earth after his resurrection, he said we would receive the Holy Spirit. And now when people decide to follow Jesus, they receive the Holy Spirit. If we're being led by the Holy Spirit we are children of God.
We learned yesterday, that we can choose to follow our flesh or live according to our flesh. But when we are led by the Spirit of God, we experience his joy. We don't have to know all the details about this. We can make a choice right now to take our direction from the Spirit of God. Simply tell Jesus you trust him and you want to do what he wants. Each choice is our chance to be led by the Spirit of God. As we make more and more of those steps following Jesus, or his Spirit, we grow as his child. We experience his meaning and purpose in our daily circumstances. And we experience the joy and satisfaction of an everlasting relationship with him.
Who is leading you? Why not ask the Spirit if he wants you to grow more like him. A disciple is someone who grows toward God. And a minister is someone who helps others grow one notch closer to God. Why not become a full-time minister today. Decide that in your job, or in your life situation, you will be led by God, move closer to him, and help others do the same.
For practice, check out the Marketplace Mission Trip. You can learn more about this free, 2-week experience at MarketplaceMissionTrip.com. The next one begins in a few days.