Nov 30, 2020
Where do you fail to trust? Mike thinks we all come up short somewhere. He talks about regularly praying that Jesus would help his unbelief.
Are you willing to pray that prayer? We want to see Jesus move? We want to experience the glory of God. But just before this experience, can you imagine how this father felt?...
Nov 28, 2020
In this week's episode of the Follower of One Podcast, Mike speaks with Bob Tiede. Bob is a Leadership Development expert with over 49 years of experience with Cru Global and currently works as the Director of Global Operations Leadership Development for Cru as well as an international blogger on his website -
Nov 27, 2020
What do you expect will happen? We spend much trying to guess the future. We predict the weather and the election. As I record this, the election hasn't happened yet. But what do you expect will happen now that the US election is over. If you're elsewhere in the world, you probably don't even think about it.
Paul was...
Nov 26, 2020
Paul is in prison. And people who aren't as good or as accurate as he are talking about Jesus. Rather than instruct the Philippians to go straighten all of these other people out, Paul confirms his plan. I will rejoice. In pretense and in truth, since Jesus is proclaimed, Paul will rejoice.
When we're thankful, we...
Nov 25, 2020
Through Jesus, let us give a sacrifice of praise. Notice how when we give God thanks, we praise him. As I said yesterday, we acknowledge he is our source, our provider, the giver of everything. Our thanks sets up as praise. We recognize our rightful place.
Can you praise God when the not-so-good things happen?...